Oct 5, 2012

Sensor data intermediary : Alohar

Alhohar is another interesting start-up, founded by Sam Liang (ex Google)  in the space of turning sensor measurements from mobile phones into a data platform that will have value to various companies.   For now this is positioned as a value to the end-user, but possibly including Pharmaceutical companies if medical sensor data would become part of the platform.  Technically extending the platform to collect other sensor data seems like peace of cake once you can deal with the in-phone sensors.

Here are some features of the platform: Alhohar features

Emphasis today is on the use of location based information, as used in the Placeme application.  This application is quite scary in terms of what it can do based on your historic places and your daily routines.  My primary interest would be in health sensors to be connected to this platform in addition to data coming from movements, locations etc.

Again an illustration of how technology platforms have the potential to transform our lives.

It is not a matter IF, it is just a matter of WHEN such a platform will emerge as a leader in this field.

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