Feb 12, 2012

Matternet : The ambition to improve the lives of the poor.

Matternet is an example of a company working on a transformational concept where they have the ambition to improve the world.  You can think of Matternet as a worldwide platform to automatically transfer things, whereas the internet is the worldwide platform to transfer information.

As they phrase it on their Matternet website : "Matternet will alleviate poverty and accelerate economic growth for the rising billion through a roadless transportation network."
"By increasing the access to reliable transportation for people living in poverty, we will enable them to find a sustainable path out of poverty."

And they have a business model and an approach on how they can pilot it in the real world.

I believe that having a higher goal, the ambition to improve this world is a positive factor for success.

The question we need to ask ourselves is "What is it that still needs to be improved in this world?"

That is also very much the question being asked by Solve for X.

I believe our world is becoming a better world all the time, with some hick-ups from time to time, but the overall direction is in the right direction.  The reason for that is that a better world is what most of the people fundamentally want, and technology makes improvements possible that were not possible before.

I am convinced that technology can and will be used to improve our world.
Just think about what would be possible if we would replace all physical money world-wide by electronic and traceable transactions:
- Eliminate money driven criminality
- Eliminate illegal drug business
- Reduce corruption
- Fair tax collection
- ...
All technology is available to make this happen.  Sometimes you would think that there are forces active to prevent this from happening...

At a smaller scale, there are significant industry specific improvements needed.
- Healthcare for the poor, i.e. in the developing world.
- Traffic Jams while car and truck capacity is underutilized
- Food waste reduction and material recycling
- ...

What are the improvements that you see needed in your domain?

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